2024-10-31 11:11 点击次数:175
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周文广,博导,训导,南昌大学“学科领军东说念主才”,南昌大学鄱阳湖环境与资源诈欺耕作部要点实践室副主任,资源科学与工程系主任,第七届中国侨界孝敬奖赢得者,江苏省“双创”翻新东说念主才,江西省杰青,南昌大学藻行社创立者。先后在南昌大学、中山大学、清华大学、新加坡国立大学和好意思国明尼苏达大学肆业和使命,归国前任好意思国明尼苏达大学生物资精湛中心生物资资源诈欺实践室主任,耐久从事环境及资源轮回诈欺关联的基础及应用斟酌。依然主执和参与完成了国度“973”、“863”、国度攻关姿色、国度当然基金要点姿色和国际国际配合霸术等姿色,以及好意思国农业部(USDA)、动力部(DOE)、国防部(DOD)和交通部(DOT)等科研姿色,指点固废、水环境和生物资资源诈欺研发团队成就出了一系列低本钱制备高附加值家具以及废水科罚、废气减排的时刻和步调。学术兼职有:好意思国农业工程师协会(ASABE)会员,国际藻类协会(ABO)学术委员会委员、中国环境科学学会水科罚与回用专科委员会理事、中国生态经济学会工业生态经济与时刻专科委员会常务理事,中国生态学会产业生态学专委会常务理事,中国藻类协会微藻分会指示委员会委员,中国医药耕作协会微生态与健康耕作专科委员会理事、第十二届省政协东说念主口资源环境委员会巨匠构成员、江西省生物金钱业翻新定约副理事长,江西省生态协会常务理事,藻类学顶级期刊Algal Research编委, 华东说念主惟一藻类英文期刊Algal Biomass Bio-economy主编, BioMed Research International 客座主编, Journal of Earth Sciences 编委, 生物学杂志编委以及20多家国际学术期刊特邀审稿东说念主,包括:Algal Research, Water Research, Environmental Science & Technology, Applied Energy, Biotechnology for Biofuels,Bioresource Technology等。到现在适度已在国际有名期刊发表了高水平SCI论文70余篇(其中影响因子5分以上、属于中科院SCI一区期刊的著述30余篇),援用率2500余次。苦求好意思国及中国专利30余项,受邀插足在该领域紧要影响力的国际会议40余次,使该团队在环境与资源轮回诈欺领域永久处于寰宇前方。
1.Leng, L.J., Huang, H.J., Li, H., Li, J., Zhou W.G*. 2019. Biochar stability assessment methods: a review. Science of the Total Environment. 647:210-222 (*通信作家) (SCI, IF="4.610).
2.Ye, C.S., Mu, D.Y., Horowitz, N., Xue, Z.L., Chen, J., Xue, M.X., Zhou, Y., Klutts M., Zhou, W.G.* 2018. Life Cycle Assessment of Industrial Scale Production of Spirulina Tablets. Algal Research. 154-163 (*通信作家)
3.Leng, L.J. , Han, P., Yuan, X.Z., Li, J., Zhou, W.G*. 2018. Biodiesel microelulsion upgrading and thermogravimetric study of bio-oil produced by liquefaction of different sludges. Energy. 153:1061-1072 (*通信作家) (SCI, IF="4.968).
4.Chen, J. , Leng, L.J., Ye, C.S., Lu, Q., Addy,M., Wang J.H., Liu, J., Chen, P., Ruan, R., Zhou,W.G.*. 2018. A comparative study between fungal pellet- and spore-assisted microalgae harvesting methods. Bioresour Technol. . 259: 181-190 (*通信作家) (SCI, IF="5.807).
5.Leng, L.J. , Leng, S.Q., Chen, J., Yuan, X.Z., Li, J., Li, K., Wang, Y.P., Zhou, W.G*. 2018. The migration and transformation behavior of heavy metals during co-liquefaction of municipal sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresour Technol. 259: 156-163 (*通信作家) (SCI, IF="5.807).
6.Leng, L.J. , Li, J., Wen, Z.Y., Zhou, W.G*. 2018. Use of microalgae to recycle nutrients in aqueous phase derived from hydrothermal liquefaction process. Bioresour Technol. 256: 529-542 (*通信作家) (SCI, IF="5.807).
国内偷拍摄视频在线观看7.Leng, L.J. , Li, J., Yuan, X.Z., Li J.J., Han, P, Hong, Y.C., Wei, F., Zhou, W.G*. 2018. Beneficial synergistic effect on bio-oil production from co-liquefaction of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresour Technol.251: 49-56 . (*通信作家) (SCI, IF="5.807).
8.Lu, Q., Li, J., Wang, J.H., Li, K., Li, J.J., Han, P., Chen, P., Zhou W.G*. 2017.
9.Exploration of a mechanism for simultaneous production of highly unsaturated fatty acids and protein in Scenedesmus sp. at low temperature grown on oil crop residue based media. Bioresour Technol.244: 542-551. (*通信作家) (SCI, IF="5.807).
10.Zhou, W.G*., Wang, J.H., Chen, P., Ji, Chengcheng., Kang, Qiuyun., Lu, Bei., Li, Kun., Liu J, Ruan, R. 2017. Bio-mitigation of carbon dioxide using microalgal systems: advances and Perspectives. Renew Sustain Energy Rev. 76:1163-1175 (*通信作家) (SCI, IF= 9.184).
11.mode conversion and nitrogen deprivation of microalgae for high ammonium removal from synthetic wastewater. Bioresour Technol.196: 668-676. (*通信作家) (SCI, IF= 5.807).
12.Zhou, W.G., Chen P, Min, M., Ma, X., Wang, J.H., Griffith, R., Hussain, F., Peng, Pu., Xie, Q.L., Li Y., Shi, J., Meng, J.Z., Ruan, R. 2014. Environment-enhancing Algal Biofuel Production Using Wastewaters. Renew Sustain Energy Rev. 36: 256-269. (SCI, IF= 9.184)
13.周文广*, 阮榕生。2014。微藻生物固碳时刻发达和发展趋势。中国科学:化学。44(1): 63-78. 庆祝闵恩泽院士90华诞专刊特邀稿 (*通信作家) .
14.Zhou, W.G., Min, M., Hu, B., Chen, P and Ruan, R. 2013. Filamentous fungi assisted bio-flocculation: an efficient and low-cost technique for harvesting heterotrophic and autotrophic microalgal cells. Sep. Purif. Technol. 107: 158-165. (SCI, IF= 3.065).
15.Zhou, W.G., Li Y, Min M, Hu B, Zhang H, Ma X, Cheng Y, Chen P, Ruan R. (2012) Growing Wastewater-born Microalga Auxenochlorella protothecoides UMN280 on Concentrated Municipal Wastewater for Simultaneous Nutrient Removal and Energy Feedstock Production. Appl Energ. 98: 433-440. (SCI, IF= 7.900).
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